Health Information for Parents


Important note for Parents and Carers

Please see the attached letter from the UK Health Security Agency. They are writing to inform you of a recent national increase in infections caused by a bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. 


The Manchester Public Health Team have created local versions of this advice for your ease of use.


Group A Streptococcus bacteria can cause illnesses like scarlet fever. 

Scarlet fever is an infectious illness that normally affects young children (2-8 years old).  

It causes flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, sore throat and swollen neck glands (lump on side of neck). 

It spreads when people cough. 

After 12-48 hours it causes small, raised bumps that feel rough like sandpaper on the chest and tummy area. On white skin the rash looks ping or red. It can be harder to see on brown or black skin, but you can still feel it. 


These pictures will help you:


If you notice any of these symptoms, please keep your child at home and speak to your GP to see if treatment is needed. 

For most children this is not a serious condition and they will be able to go back to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics. 

In very rare cases it can cause more serious illness. If your child gets worse after having scarlet fever, please don't wait, talk to a health professional or ring 111 for help. 

In the meantime, please encourage your child to wash their hands, cough into a tissue and put the tissue in a bin. 

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St Chad's Roman Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

Balmfield Street, Cheetham, Manchester, M8 0SP

Headteacher - Ms D. Malcolm

Tel: 0161 205 6965


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