Our Governors
The Role of a Governor at St Chad’s RC Primary School
The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management to the Head teacher, supporting and challenging the school in its development. Schools have a budget that covers salaries, building maintenance, resources, daily running costs and the Governing Body is responsible for managing this budget. The governing body can decide how many staff to employ and who they need to employ, they look at what resources or maintenance is a priority and they consider what new strategies and initiatives will need implementing in school to ensure that children make the very best progress.
Governors are volunteers and the overall Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of governors.
Governance Arrangements
The Governing Body of St. Chad’s RC Primary School consists of 8 positions and is made up of:
- 2 Staff Governors, including the Headteacher
- 2 Elected Parent Governors
- 4 Foundation Governors (1 vacancy)
Staff Governors are members of the teaching and non-teaching staff, including the Headteacher. The headteacher is not elected to be on the governing body but is on the board for the duration of their appointment at the school.
Parent Governors are elected by you, to represent you, the parents/guardians of children attending the school.
Current Governors - /uploads/275/files/Govs 23 24 (1).pdf