

Maths intent statement

At St Chad's RC Primary School, all our pupils are explicitly taught the key knowledge and skills, which underpin all mathematical content outlined in the national curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

These three areas are key to creating a ‘well-rounded’ mathematician, which is vital to develop confidence and ambition for all, ultimately leading to the enjoyment and curiosity of Mathematics. We want our children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas and show competence when solving problems of increasing complexity. We believe that through understanding the significance of Mathematics and its relation to the wider world, our pupils will then understand the true power of Mathematics and apply it to their wider curriculum.

To support mathematical teaching and learning we use White Rose Maths. The White Rose Maths programme is based on proven learning theories from around the world. Our school leaders, teachers, teaching assistants and children have really benefitted from understanding the learning theories that underpin the methods and materials found in White Rose Maths.

In addition to this we use Arithmetic sessions to ensure children are continually reminded of fluency areas of the maths curriculum. We also use TT Rockstars to support children in multiplication facts. Numbots is used in EYFS for initial number facts.

St Chad's Roman Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

Balmfield Street, Cheetham, Manchester, M8 0SP

Headteacher - Ms D. Malcolm

Tel: 0161 205 6965


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